Industrial Automation with Mobile Application

 IoT or Internet of things is a technology that deals with bringing control of physical devices over the internet. 

Here, I propose an efficient industrial automation system that allows users to efficiently control industry appliances/machines over the internet. For a demonstration of this system, we use 2 loads as industrial appliances or machines and 2 motors to demonstrate an industrial motor. 

This system uses ESP8266 as a microcontroller for processing all user commands which also has an inbuilt wi-fi module to connect to the internet and receive user commands from a mobile application which is mainly designed for controlling this system. 

Components Required:

  • NodeMCU
  • 4 Channel Relay Module
  • 100 RPM Motor
  • BO Motor
  • 12v LEDs x 2

On sending commands through the Internet, they are first received by the wi-fi module. The module decodes the received information and passes it to the microcontroller for further processing. The microcontroller then switches loads and operates the motors as per received commands. 

  • This is the interface of the mobile application that I have developed for controlling the machinery in the Industries. 
  • This Application consists of ON & OFF buttons for controlling purposes and a text box in which we need to enter the  IP Address of the network. 
  • This Application was developed through MIT APP INVENTOR. 

Block Diagram of the System

  • Thus, we automate the entire industry using an online GUI for easy industry automation.

  • Here's a video demonstrating the working of the system. 


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