Hand Gesture Controlled Car

 In this project, we introduce a hand-gesture-based control interface for navigating a car robot. A 3-axis accelerometer is adapted to record a user’s hand trajectory.

The trajectory data is transmitted wirelessly via an RF module to a computer. The received trajectories are then classified into one of six control commands for navigating a car robot. The classifier adopts the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm to classify hand trajectories. Simulation results show that the classifier could achieve a 92.2% correct rate.

Components Required: 

  • Arduino UNO x 2
  • RF Module
  • L298N Motor Driver
  • MPU 6050

  • The MPU 6050 will measure the angles as it comes with Accelerometer and Gyrometer then it will send those values to the Arduino UNO which is placed at the receiver side and then the RF transmitter will transmit those values to the receiver. The values which are received by the receiver will be decoded at the receiver side by another Arduino UNO which is placed at the receiver side, then those values will be fed to L293D a motor driver IC then this motor driver will direct the motors to rotate according to the instructions received from the transmitter at the user side.

Block Diagram

  • This is how the entire hand gesture-controlled robot car system works.


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