Height Measuring System

In this project, I've designed an automatic system that can measure and display the height of the person standing underneath.

First, we need to install the device with the help of a double-sided adhesive at a certain height, which is previously defined in the code. 

When someone stands under the device, the sensor measures the distance D. Next the code calculates the distance which actually represents the height of the person under the device and displays this value on the LCD. When there is no one under the device, the calculated value is zero because in this case. The device is mounted in a suitable box with the LCD on the front and the ultrasonic sensor on the bottom.


Components Required:

  • Arduino UNO
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • 16x2 LCD
  • Battery

  • Hence, the height sensing system has been implemented with all the required modules and components. 


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