Network Controlled Quadcopter

Hey there! This project is all about the Quadcopter. In this project, I've created a network-controlled drone that can be controlled through the Internet without any use of any RF technology. Here, I've used NodeMCU as the flight controller and the IP which is obtained when the NodeMCU is connected to the Internet is used as a medium for the transmission of data from the transmitter to the controller. In this project, the laptop acts as the transmitter through a python script the commands are transmitted to the controller. This drone is configured with PID constants as well, to ensure the better stability of the drone. Here, we need to tune the PID constants while testing for the reduction of errors instability. Components Used: 1. 1400kv Brushless Motors x 4 2. NodeMCU 3. MPU6050 4. 12v LiPo Battery 5. 8-inch propellers x 4 6. ESCs x 4 7. APM Power Module 8. Connecting Wires 9. Quadcopter Frame ...